
What is clomipheme?

Clomiphene is an antiestrogenic drug of nonsteroidal structure. It blocks estrogen-sensitive receptors and enhances the secretion of gonadotropic hormones, stimulating maturation of the follicles and the formation of the yellow body. In large doses it inhibits the secretion of gonadotropins. Also it promotes increased testosterone generation in men. In case of high concentration of estrogens it acts as an antiestrogen, and at a low concentration produces an estrogenic effect.

Do men also can take clomiphene?

Furthermore, Clomiphene can also be taken by men, but for completely different purposes. Both amateurs and professional athletes use this medication quite often. Athletes often use a variety of other chemicals, such as anabolic steroids, hCG, tamoxifen, thyroid hormones, etc. As opposed to other anabolic steroids or hormones, the drug does not lower testosterone level. Conversely by LH burst, it increases the level of testosterone.

Almost all anabolic steroids possess both androgenic and anabolic properties. In some cases, anabolic steroids contribute to the formation of estrogens. Facilitated by the enzyme the aromatase also turns into a female sex hormone, estrogen. Estrogen promotes the development of gynecomastia in bodybuilders. Although bodybuilders love to demonstrate their body hardly any of them will want to show a womanlike breast. Therefore, the medication is used to block the development of gynecomastia. By blocking the estrogen receptors, it prevents the development of gynecomastia caused by anabolic steroids.

How does it work in men?

When Clomiphene blocks estrogen receptors in the brain, the hypothalamus causes a LH and FSH burst – hormones release, which leads to an increase in sex hormones synthesis. LH and FSH also affect the testes, causing a further testosterone synthesis. Testosterone gives an athlete an additional impulse. Some bodybuilders take Clomiphene only to get an anabolic effect. Others use it in combination with other steroids and growth hormone.

Clomiphene is taken only once a day. Specialists in the field of bodybuilding are advised to take it alone or in

combination with anabolic steroids of low activity. Most bodybuilders take anabolic steroids for several months and then switch to Clomiphene. The substance provides a burst of testosterone. The exact time when you should start taking the medicine cannot be told precisely. But still there is a recommendation to start taking it on 7th-10th day after the last day of taking steroid drugs.


Your Clomiphene PCT dosage will depend on what you took (SARM or steroid) and for how long you were taking the compound in question. If you were using SARMs, 50mgs a day is going to be just enough for starters. You will lower the dosage as your PCT cycle moves on.
If you were taking something stronger, like steroids, you will have to start with a higher dosage, 100mgs a day is recommended for that endeavor. Note that the more Clomiphene you take, the higher the chances of side effects occurring become.

Clomiphene side effects in men
A lot of athletes and bodybuilders take this substance but they use different doses. There are no medical recommendations for taking these pills to those who are doing this for bodybuilding. However the dosage was established by practical means. Most bodybuilders take clomiphene for two weeks 50-100 mg per day. Some bodybuilders recommend increasing the dose up to 100 mg per day. Do not take the medication for more than three weeks. This periodicity was established by bodybuilders of the past. Since doctors do not generally recommend taking substance to bodybuilders, it is very difficult to get a medical advice on this medication intake regimen. In any case, if there are doubts, you can consult with specialists on infertility treatment: they know the effect of this drug best of all.
It is not known exactly how long it takes to take Clomiphene. There is no evidence of long-term treatment with these tablets. There is only a general recommendation that Clomiphene should not be taken longer.

If you take the drug for a short period of time and adhere to the indicated doses, then it is completely safe. Most of the adverse reactions caused by it are temporary and disappear after discontinuation.


